Hello and welcome back to the latest most up to date Podcast episode of The Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions. The good news is, is that i have a phone now at least a temporary one for the time being just till i get my beloved Sonim phone back. Latest news is that i was paying a visit to the music store Long and Mcquade the other day just to buy some accessories for my Studio setup. Now normally i'll take a look around at the Keyboards section to have a bit of a dabble and then go to the Bass Guitars section to have a bit of a play test out the merchandise so to speak .Now if i see any Music Man Basses there i'll definetly try a few of them out because they're my favorite brand and are more suited to my style of playing. But before i stapped one on i noticed the price .I looked at the price tag for the 4 string first .Bloody price tag was almost $4000 $3995 to be exact and i can't even get use to playing 4 strings any more since i'v been playing 5 & 6 string Basses for so long .The 5 string price tag was no better Musicman Sterling 5 string had a price tag of nearly $5000 $4995 to be exact. I'm thinking What The Actual F**k !!! I was'nt in the store too long after seeing that. Back in the day you could get an Alembic Bass for around $3000. Anyways heres this weeks Podcast .Also there will be a new feature coming up on this Podcast where other Musicians can post their music on this podcast and have it featured .There will be 3 slots on every Podcast everyweek . So if you want your music to be featured on this Podcast e-mail an mp3 of your work with a fee of just $15 Payment is made via e-transfer, or Paypal. Also you can order the Music in CD format by dropping an e-mail of your order to marcusdavis40@yahoo.ca Also to soulfunkyjazz14@gmail.com Also don't forget that the studio is open to Recording Projects e.g Composing tracks for other Podcasts, Theme Tunes for Film,Tv ,Customized tracks for Personal events .Studio Session Dates for Bass, Keyboards. Contact the Studio send an email to marcusdavis40@yahoo.ca or soulfunkyjazz14@gmail.com https://seriousnubian.bandcamp.com/ https://payhip.com/UltimateVibeAudioMusicproductions https://ultimatevibeaudiomusicproductions.buzzsprout.com https://www.podbean.com/eas/pb-zdyxv-16bcf86 https://www.jango.com/music/Serious+Nubian https://www.patreon.com/basszombie2021 https://marcusdavis2.bandzoogle.com/home https://marcusdavis40.podbean.com/ https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-ultimate-vibe-audio-music-186126462/ https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/marcusdavis402872 https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~016432a354926e7b78?mp_source=share https://www.freelancer.com/get/marcusdavisdz?f=give https://www.airgigs.com/user/markee2015 https://soundcloud.com/marcus-davis-491012279 Also don't forget to contact the studio for any Recording Projects or for Studio Session Projects Support the show