Hey everybody and hows it going today ? Welcome back to the newest latest Podcast episode of Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions .With more Original Music ,and more Cutting Edge Grooves. The good news is that we will be pushing towards the Music being available in CD format as well as Vinyl besides it being just Digital Music Downloads .Its coming and i will keep you posted .I had arranged for an album listening party for next Saturday but had to cancel it for the time being due to having the CD & Vinyl thing set up .So stay tuned as soon as everything is set up i will make an announcement. Also don't forget that the studio is open to Recording Projects e.g Composing tracks for other Podcasts, Theme Tunes for Film,Tv ,Customized tracks for Personal events .Studio Session Dates for Bass, Keyboards. Contact the Studio @ 2894409693 if you don't get an answer just send a text or email marcusdavis40@yahoo.ca or soulfunkyjazz14@gmail.com https://seriousnubian.bandcamp.com/ https://payhip.com/UltimateVibeAudioMusicproductions https://ultimatevibeaudiomusicproductions.buzzsprout.com https://www.podbean.com/eas/pb-zdyxv-16bcf86 https://www.jango.com/music/Serious+Nubian https://www.patreon.com/basszombie2021 https://marcusdavis2.bandzoogle.com/home https://marcusdavis40.podbean.com/ https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-ultimate-vibe-audio-music-186126462/ https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/marcusdavis402872 https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~016432a354926e7b78?mp_source=share https://www.freelancer.com/get/marcusdavisdz?f=give https://www.airgigs.com/user/markee2015 https://soundcloud.com/marcus-davis-491012279 Also don't forget to contact the studio for any Recording Projects or for Studio Session Projects