We discuss whether we think we appear normal to most people, and how normal or weird our daily D/s and kink really is. We also answer questions about switching, sadism, and how much control CynicalDom has over my free time and social life.
Our sadomasochism has been blooming. We use this podcast to pause and talk about where our pain play is headed, when Amy should safeword, and our general feelings about accepting or sadism and masochism.
Instructor144's post on calibration: instructor144.tumblr.com/post/158388695266/1-10
I ask Amysubmits a series of questions and hypotheticals to learn more about her views on submission, dominance and 24/7 D/s.
Also some of the questions are just there to troll her.
What does respect look like in our 24/7 Dominant / submissive relationship? Do we respect each other equally? What do we really mean when we talk about respect?
We talk about a recent bout of depression Amy had, and the anxiety and old worries that it stirred up. Amy brings up that maybe she needs maintenance spankings, and gets resistance. We answer an ask about consensual non-consent and sexual abuse.