Hey Fam! It is my heart's greatest desire to always serve and share with people my road to success and instill that, if I can do it, so can you! I want to empower those who need that nudge (or kick!) to get back on the ball, tap into their creative genius and keep doing the work so that we are not behind when COVID-19 lifts! And this pestilence WILL LIFT in the Name of Jesus! I have ZERO shame in the Gospel! I have gathered some of the country's brightest and most gifted leaders to present masterclasses from every field to pour into us every Wednesday! Come prepared to fight for your vision!


Greatness 'N Garages

Waraire Boswell: Navigating Today's Fashion Landscape

Waraire Boswell is a celebrity fashion designer. @waraire__

00:56:31 5/6/2020

Past Episodes

Greatness 'N Garages

Greatness 'N Garages presents Christopher "Kid" Reid from Kid 'N Play. @kidfromkidnplay

00:56:01 4/29/2020
Greatness 'N Garages

Soul Abode is a platform for multi-cultural women that merges beauty and wellness from the inside out. They tell us about the six dimensions of soul care. @_soulabode_

01:03:16 4/24/2020
Greatness 'N Garages

Toni Noble is a health and wellness coach dedicated to helping others stay healthy and active during this quarantine. @tclass1

00:17:43 4/17/2020
Greatness 'N Garages

Sonji Newman is a high school biology teacher and motivational speaker. She teaches people the life, lessons and laws intended to motivate and inspire everyone to live on and in your purpose. @sonji_newman

00:38:47 4/13/2020

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