Have you ever wondered what intermittent fasting is and how it can be done? How about lying in a hydro hammock, hanging out in the Rockies? Barbell training, cryogenic therapy, isolation tanks, the vast amounts of ways you can use medical cannabis to improve your life; these are all things that Lyn, and a rotating panel of experts, will tackle each and every episode.

Visit deadsetonliving.com for updates and follow Lyn on Instagram @TheLynBravo

Brought to you by Bellwether X

IG: @bellwetherx



Dead Set On Living

Essential Fatty Acids and Their Positive Effects on Cancer

Lyn sits down with Essential Fatty Acids expert, Paul Beatty, as they discuss the positive effects of EFA's on cancer and what our ancestors can tell us about our diets.
00:00:00 2/14/2020

Past Episodes

Dead Set On Living

Lyn sits down with Holistic Nutritionist, Sarah Brunt, to talk about how processed foods are harming the growth and development of not only ourselves, but also future generations. PLUS, Sarah explains the individualized diet and what types of fats you should and shouldn't be eating.

Be sure to check out deadsetonliving.com and follow Lyn on Instagram @TheLynBravo. You can also follow Tammy Allen @leftturnmedia. Want to know more about the books and doctors Lyn mentioned on the show? DM us on Instagram!

Dead Set On Living is a Bellwether X production and is hosted by Lyn Bravo. The show is produced, recorded and mixed by Tammy Allen of Left Turn Media (leftturn.ca)

***The information you're about to hear on this podcast is solely the opinions and advice of Lyn Bravo and her guests. This is not intented to be taken as professional medical advice. Always consult with a Health Care Professional before making changes to your diet or overall lifestyle. Now, on with the show...***

00:51:01 10/7/2019
Dead Set On Living

Part 2 of our series with Paul Beatty. He talks about the role that Essential Fatty Acid's (EFA's) can play in infertility, irregular menstrual cycles and the aging process. Find out what we're missing in our diets, how to find it AND Paul gives out his personal cell phone number for those women wanting to get in touch for help with infertility. You'll have to listen to the full episode to get the number.

Be sure to check out deadsetonliving.com and follow Lyn on Instagram @TheLynBravo. To get in contact with Paul Beatty, you can email him at EFAPaul@yahoo.ca.

Dead Set On Living is a Bellwether X production and is hosted by Lyn Bravo. The show is produced, recorded and mixed by Tammy Allen of Left Turn Media (leftturn.ca)

***The information you're about to hear on this podcast is solely the opinions and advice of Lyn Bravo and her guests. This is not intented to be taken as professional medical advice. Always consult with a Health Care Professional before making changes to your diet or overall lifestyle. Now, on with the show...***

00:51:42 9/23/2019
Dead Set On Living

Lyn is joined once again by Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's) expert, Paul Beatty and this time he's discussing the effects of EFA's on women's health, the pathophysiology of EFA's and how humankind is in desperate needs of these essential fatty acids. PLUS, Paul tells us the ties between the Keto Diet and Epilepsy!

Be sure to check out deadsetonliving.com and follow Lyn on Instagram @TheLynBravo. To get in contact with Paul Beatty, you can email him at EFAPaul@yahoo.ca.

Dead Set On Living is a Bellwether X production and is hosted by Lyn Bravo. The show is produced, recorded and mixed by Tammy Allen of Left Turn Media (leftturn.ca)

***The information you're about to hear on this podcast is solely the opinions and advice of Lyn Bravo and her guests. This is not intented to be taken as professional medical advice. Always consult with a Health Care Professional before making changes to your diet or overall lifestyle. Now, on with the show...***

00:29:46 9/13/2019
Dead Set On Living

Part 2 of the second principle of Attitudinal Healing, "Health Is Inner Peace, Healing Is Letting Go Of Fear." Lyn and special guest Michelle Smye-Hughes delve further into this step while discussing how it has personally impacted their lives.

Be sure to check out deadsetonliving.com and follow Lyn on Instagram @TheLynBravo. You can also follow Michelle Smye-Hughes @vegetablenirvana.

Dead Set On Living is a Bellwether X production and is hosted by Lyn Bravo. The show is produced, recorded and mixed by Tammy Allen of Left Turn Media (leftturn.ca)

***The information you're about to hear on this podcast is solely the opinions and advice of Lyn Bravo and her guests. This is not intented to be taken as professional medical advice. Always consult with a Health Care Professional before making changes to your diet or overall lifestyle. Now, on with the show...***

00:45:31 8/26/2019
Dead Set On Living

Lyn is joined again by Michelle Smye-Hughes to talk about the second principle of Attitudinal Healing, 'Health is Inner Peace, Healing is Letting Go of Fear.' In the first part of this episode, Michelle speaks candidly about her battle with breast cancer and how practicing Attitudinal Healing helped her beat the disease. They describe, in detail, the first 4 points of Bernie Siegel's book, Love, Medicine, Miracles, and how they correspond to the practice of Attitudinal Healing and the impact they had in Michelle's recovery.

Be sure to check out deadsetonliving.com and follow Lyn on Instagram @TheLynBravo. You can also follow Michelle Smye-Hughes @vegetablenirvana.

Dead Set On Living is a Bellwether X production and is hosted by Lyn Bravo. The show is produced, recorded and mixed by Tammy Allen of Left Turn Media (leftturn.ca)

***The information you're about to hear on this podcast is solely the opinions and advice of Lyn Bravo and her guests. This is not intented to be taken as professional medical advice. Always consult with a Health Care Professional before making changes to your diet or overall lifestyle. Now, on with the show...***

00:35:35 8/8/2019
Dead Set On Living

In Part 2 of our Vegans Vs Everybody story arc, Lyn and Ryan tackle the whole food diet and how factory farming for Vegans/Vegetarians and meat eaters alike is killing our planet. Plus, the duo talk about the Vegan obsession with their food looking and tasting like meat, how to properly read food labels and Vegan propaganda movies like What The Health?

Be sure to check out deadsetonliving.com and follow Lyn on Instagram @TheLynBravo. You can also follow Tammy Allen @leftturnmedia. Want to know more about the books and doctors Lyn mentioned on the show? DM us on Instagram!

Dead Set On Living is a Bellwether X production and is hosted by Lyn Bravo. The show is produced, recorded and mixed by Tammy Allen of Left Turn Media (leftturn.ca)

***The information you're about to hear on this podcast is solely the opinions and advice of Lyn Bravo and her guests. This is not intented to be taken as professional medical advice. Always consult with a Health Care Professional before making changes to your diet or overall lifestyle. Now, on with the show...***

00:49:24 7/24/2019
Dead Set On Living

Dead Set On Living is back and rocking the boat! Lyn sits down once again with Canadian boxer, Ryan Rannelli, and goes a little more in depth in to the topic of Intermittent Fasting. The pair also tackle one of the most controversial topics in the food industry right now: Veganism.

In the first part of this series, Lyn and Ryan discuss their experiences with veganism and vegetarianism and look at our biological need to meat!

Be sure to check out deadsetonliving.com and follow Lyn on Instagram @TheLynBravo. You can also follow Tammy Allen @leftturnmedia. Want to know more about the books and doctors Lyn mentioned on the show? DM us on Instagram!

Dead Set On Living is a Bellwether X production and is hosted by Lyn Bravo. The show is produced, recorded and mixed by Tammy Allen of Left Turn Media (leftturn.ca)

***The information you're about to hear on this podcast is solely the opinions and advice of Lyn Bravo and her guests. This is not intented to be taken as professional medical advice. Always consult with a Health Care Professional before making changes to your diet or overall lifestyle. Now, on with the show...***

00:26:54 7/10/2019
Dead Set On Living

Lyn sits down with Dead Set On Living producer, Tammy Allen, to talk about the methods of Grounding/Earthing. From restful nights sleep to injury healing and everything in between, Lyn lets us know how grounding/earthing can help improve our lives in ways we never thought possible. Why isn't grounding/earthing not talked about more in the media and by your doctor? Well, because it can cost you next to nothing to do and big Pharma doesn't want you to know that!

Be sure to check out deadsetonliving.com and follow Lyn on Instagram @TheLynBravo. You can also follow Tammy Allen @leftturnmedia. Want to know more about the books and doctors Lyn mentioned on the show? DM us on Instagram!

Dead Set On Living is a Bellwether X production and is hosted by Lyn Bravo. The show is produced, recorded and mixed by Tammy Allen of Left Turn Media (leftturn.ca)

***The information you're about to hear on this podcast is solely the opinions and advice of Lyn Bravo and her guests. This is not intented to be taken as professional medical advice. Always consult with a Health Care Professional before making changes to your diet or overall lifestyle. Now, on with the show...***

00:53:29 6/20/2019
Dead Set On Living

Dead Set On Living returns with host, Lyn Bravo, talking with close friend Maria Merchancano and her boyfriend, James, about their trip to Colombia and they recount, in vivid detail, their Ayahuasca experience.

Be sure to check out deadsetonliving.com and follow Lyn on Instagram @TheLynBravo. 

Dead Set On Living is a Bellwether X production and is hosted by Lyn Bravo. The show is produced, recorded and mixed by Tammy Allen of Left Turn Media (leftturn.ca)

***The information you're about to hear on this podcast is solely the opinions and advice of Lyn Bravo and her guests. This is not intented to be taken as professional medical advice. Always consult with a Health Care Professional before making changes to your diet or overall lifestyle. Now, on with the show...***

00:52:15 6/4/2019
Dead Set On Living

This week, we're talking about Colombia 🇨🇴

Lyn sits down with dear, friend Maria Merchancano and they make their way through the culture, traditions and myths of Colombia! No media propaganda here; we hear what life is really like in Colombia from someone who was born and raised there. The indigenous culture, the Panama hat and Pablo Escobar are all topics of conversation in this one!

Be sure to check out deadsetonliving.com and follow Lyn on Instagram @TheLynBravo. 

Dead Set On Living is a Bellwether X production and is hosted by Lyn Bravo. The show is produced, recorded and mixed by Tammy Allen of Left Turn Media (leftturn.ca)

***The information you're about to hear on this podcast is solely the opinions and advice of Lyn Bravo and her guests. This is not intented to be taken as professional medical advice. Always consult with a Health Care Professional before making changes to your diet or overall lifestyle. Now, on with the show...***

00:51:17 5/22/2019

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