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Episode 73 -- Molly Sinn - What if Psychosis is "feedback" from other dimensions?

In this episode we had the pleasure of talking to Molly Sinn. Molly was a legal prostitute before the pandemic hit. Our podcast is sex worker positive and Molly is a prime example of showing that the unfair perception of this profession does not always define the person. Molly is very opinionated and intelligent. She is very family oriented and very sarcastic and fun to talk to. The hypothetical that Molly chose was, "What if Psychosis is "feedback" from other dimensions?" We discuss all the possibilities inherent in this question. Is it possible that some of our experiences are echoes emanating from other realities? The line between here and there is discussed along with funny and lively ponderings. You can find Molly online at: Instagram : @MollySinns

Hypothetical: A What If? Podcast
00:00:00 2/28/2021

Past Episodes

Hypothetical: A What If? Podcast
In this episode we had the pleasure of talking to Karthik Sekar. Karthik Sekar is a trained scientist and engineer with a PhD in Chemical Engineering from Northwestern University and a postdoctoral position in Systems Biology at ETH Zurich. Karthik is the author of "After Meat: The case for an amazing meat-free world." The book focuses on the technological reasons for why we'll shift away from animal products. To this end we chose the to explore the hypothetical, "What if The Govt funded meat alternatives in the 70s like they did energy ?" We discussed multiple scenarios in relation to various future paths. Examining alternate histories in which America and the World, at large have decided to fund and implement more innovative nutritional options. Karthik was a pleasure to talk to and his book is a definite must read. You can find Karthik online at:
01:27:08 6/5/2022
Hypothetical: A What If? Podcast
When you think of insects there is often an " factor, after all they are considered to be pests to most of the public. Most of us would rather call an exterminator than entertain dealing with any kind of "pest". After you listen to this episode your perspective on insects may change or at the least, broaden. Enter our guest Lauren Taranow. Lauren has taken a passion for learning about insects of all kinds and turned it into a profitable and unique career path. Lauren is the President of Symton Black Soldier Fly. Based out of College Station ,Texas Symton BSF Inc specializes in the field of black soldier fly commercialization. They supply larvae to multiple customers all over the globe. In this episode we explore the hypothetical, "What if humanity had to survive on insects as a food source?" In this instance we are assuming that all other means of convention food sources are scarce or becoming so. Options for how humanity could use insects on a larger scale becomes abundantly clear the deeper our discussion goes. So pull up a seat and ready your silverware and napkins as Lauren joins us in planning a meal prepared from critters. Each of us chooses a dish that just might surprise you. If you have a suggestion for a dish made from insects ...please shoot us us an email or drop us a line on Twitter and we'll pass it on to Lauren. If we get enough suggestions we will work on making an insect recipe book with Symton BSF. You can find Lauren online at: Symton BSF @SymtonBSF
01:19:54 1/28/2022
Hypothetical: A What If? Podcast

Despite unexpected delays Episode 78 is here. Horror Author and Podcaster Jack Pierce. Jack is the bestselling author of The Suicide Diaries, Under a Mourning Star, Condemned, and Nuke Your Brain. 

He joins us to explore a hypothetical for the ages. Jack shares a bit about himself and lends us his expertise. So close your eyes and strap in for an interesting listen.

Two killing machines meet up at a local bar. They catch up on all the victims interspersed along their travels. Drinks flow and conversation reaches its eventuality. So many more kills remain.

As the night reaches its apex Jason and Michael meet at their metaphorical time-in clock, akin to Ralph Wolf and Sam Sheepdog. The stage is set and friendships are cast aside. It's killing time and to borrow a phrase, "There can be only one."

You can find Jack online at:

Terror Trax Podcast 

Amazon author profile 

01:05:15 12/12/2021
Hypothetical: A What If? Podcast
Close your eyes and try to recall where you where when you first heard the party anthem "Whoomp there it is".... The song is ubiquitous with an era. The tune is timeless and appeals to generations far beyond its intended audience. In this episode we had the pleasure of getting to talk to DC Glenn (1/2) of Tag Team. DC is very charismatic and transparent about his past and the path that he and Tag Team took to stardom. DC is self admittedly a "jack of all trades but a master of none." He wisely leverages his celebrity status to access knowledge and learn as much as possible. With patience, growth, hustle and a little bit of serendipity... Tag Team has re-entered the public consciousness to a great deal of success. Do yourself a favor and take the time to listen to this episode.... DC was a pleasure to talk to and Hypothetical wishes nothing but the best for him and Tag Team as a whole. You can find DC/Tag Team online at:



00:00:00 10/5/2021
Hypothetical: A What If? Podcast
Actor. Comedian. Writer. Tik Tok creator. Wrestling fan . #Albino Rhino. Nate encompasses all of these descriptions and so much more. Nate is hella funny and super relatable. After we got to know more about Nate we settled in to the hypothetical at hand, "What if you could create a wrestling gimmick? What would it be?" Each of us took turns fully describing our wrestling personas, from entrance and entrance music to set moves and finishers. Would we be a babyface, heel, or tweener?Most importantly how would we look and act? You can find Nate online at:



Personal Website

Tik Tok
01:57:01 7/18/2021
Hypothetical: A What If? Podcast
For this episode we had the pleasure of talking to Shelise Ann Sola. Shelise is a working actress and podcaster. These descriptions encompass only a small measure of the talents and experiences that define her. Shelise is also a costumer, author, and Instagram Influencer. After spending 2 years as the Head Animal Costumer on Nick Jr.'s 'Mutt & Stuff' she focused on her acting. Shelise has been featured in numerous commercials booking multiple commercials for companies such as Barbie, QDOBA, Tapatío, Paw Patrol and more. Theatrically, she shot a feature film in Alaska as the lead. Shelise has also authored a book discussing her upbringing in Mormon society as well as abuses she endured and survived. Regarding the hypothetical we discussed how psychedelics could be effectively and safely used in today's society. Substances such as Mushrooms and Ayahuasca, with proper guidance, can be helpful in alleviation of many individuals symptoms both mental and spiritual. The conversation that ensues is lively and fun. We thoroughly enjoyed chatting with Shelise and found common ground with her ideas and opinions in regards to the therapeutic properties inherent in psychedelic substances. You can follow Shelise online at: Twitter: @SheliseAnn Instagram: @SheliseAnn Website:
01:37:42 6/2/2021
Hypothetical: A What If? Podcast
At first glance you could define Icarus Bell as the musical collaboration between Alan Alski Adams and Matt Noveskey... But Icarus Bell is more than the sum of their parts. Their sound is as diverse as the band's that influenced them. It's no secret that Alan and Matt have a shared history with Blue October and are no strangers to the rock n roll lifestyle. Keeping all this in mind we discussed the hypothetical, "What if alcoholic beverages never existed?" We examine how life would be affected without one of the most arguably dangerous drugs known to man, alcohol. During this discussion we discover a familiarity of how alcohol affected our personal lives. Laughter and very sober (pardon the pun) conversation ensued. Matt and Alan are very awesome guys and their music is stellar. You can find Icarus Bell online at: Instagram - @icarusbellofficial Twitter - @BellIcarus Website -
01:38:30 4/11/2021
Hypothetical: A What If? Podcast
It's not often that you get to talk politics with a clown... Outside of Washington D.C... ?? In this episode we get to know Bullseye the Clown better and learn about what motivates him to do the work that he does. Bullseye teaches children of all ages to fight bullying. He helps people learn to stand up for themselves and works with a variety of charitable organizations. He has traveled across Russia with Patch Adams visiting orphanages and hospice care facilities spreading joy and hope. The hypothetical at hand is "What if Clowns ran The government?" We each plead our case for better or worse as to how clowns would affect every aspect of our political landscape... Hilarity and silliness ensues. You can find Bullseye online at:
02:12:17 1/24/2021
Hypothetical: A What If? Podcast
Hey folks!!! 2020 has been a real shit bag.... Not to be glum or gloomy, just being honest. The end of the year is our (humanity's) chance to put all the junk behind us and appreciate our time together, in whatever form it may come in. Having said that... Jbats & Mykahl want to wish you the best holidays you can possibly have. We want to thank our listeners for hanging with us. We give our well wishes in this episode in addition to playing some awesome holiday tunes!!! Goodbye 2020... 2021 here we come!!! Song List: Merry Little Christmas" OC ReMix - Dale North Lufia II "Christmas in the Village (Silver Bells)" OC ReMix - Dale North Donkey Kong Country 2 "Brambles in the Breeze" OC ReMix - Protricity "Snowfall" - Pnuemoniker "Silent Night (Unholy Night)" - Alexander Nakarada "Arabesque No. 1" - Claude Debussy covered by Architect (Kyle Schaefer)
00:00:00 12/23/2020
Hypothetical: A What If? Podcast
In this episode we have the pleasure of talking to Margaret Davis, accomplished harpist and lead singer of Astoria Window. We talk with Margaret about what attracted her to the harp and how family played a role in her choice to persue an interest in the arts. She highlights the intricate nature of producing the awesome sounds that emanate from her musical weapon of choice. Hypothetically , we explore: " What if being artistsic was compulsory?" From how it would affect mankind personally to the broader implications for society. It was a pleasure talking to Margaret as well as learning more about the music created with her band/collaboration, Astoria Window. If you listen carefully you'll hear their new single, "Cabin Fever", at the midpoint of this podcast. You can find Maraget online at: Website - Instagram - @margdavismusic Instagram - @astoriawindow Want to work with awesome companies or advertise your product/podcast? Podcorn ( is the answer. Sign up and start monetizing while also showing support.
01:20:31 12/5/2020

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