3 different Green Lanterns for 3 different ages. Reviewing All-American Comics #16 ("The Origin Of Green Lantern", by Bill Finger and Martin Nodell), Showcase #22 ("S.O.S. Green Lantern", by John Broome and Gil Kane), and Green Lantern #87 ("Beware My Power!" by Denny O'Neil, Neal Adams and Dick Giordano). www.ComicBookSyndicate.com

00:57:00 9/18/2023

Past Episodes

The story of Will Payton & Jack Knight. Starmans in the Bronze Age and the dreaded 1990s. Reviewing Starman #1 ("Grassroots Hero" by Roger Stern, Tom Lyle & Bob Smith) and Starman #0 ("Falling Star, Rising Son" by James Robinson, Tony Harris and Wade Von Grawbadger). www.ComicBookSyndicate.com
00:37:16 12/21/2023
Featuring Ted Knight, Mikaal Tomas and Prince Gavyn. G.I.Jolie & Bex Luthor re-join Mike-EL and Joshua Murr-VELL! The many origins of the many Starmans are explored on your favourite superhero podcast. Reviewing Adventure Comics #61 ("The Amazing Starman", by Jack Burnley), 1st Issue #12 ("Starman", by Gerry Conway, Mike Vosburg, Mike Royer), and Starman #1 ("Grassroots" by Roger Stern, Tom Lyle, Bob Smith).
00:40:32 11/27/2023
ALL the heroes, in one story! DC Comics invents the idea of teaming up a group of solo characters into one group. Reviewing All-Star Comics #3 ("The First Meeting of the Justice Society of America" by Gardner Fox, and Everett E. Hibbard) and The Brave and the Bold #28 ("Starro the Conqueror" by Gardner Fox and Mike Sekowsky).
00:55:45 11/13/2023
From "Ma" Hunkel to Maxine Hunkel, and an android in between. The strange story of a DC legacy hero. Reviewing All-American Comics #20 and #21 (by Sheldon Mayer), Justice League Of America #64 (by Gardner Fox, Dick Dillin and George Roussos), and Justice Society Of America (2007) #1 (by Geoff Johns, Dale Eaglesham, Art Thibert). www.ComicBookSyndicate.com
00:49:20 10/30/2023
From "Atom Al" to the Tiny Titan. The Atom in the 1940s, 60s and 80s. Reviewing All-American Comics #19 ("Introducing the Mighty Atom" by Bill O'Connor and Ben Flinton), Showcase #34 ("Birth of the Atom!" by Gardner Fox and Gil Kane), and Power Of The Atom #1 ("Home Is The Hero!" by Roger Stern and Dwayne Turner). www.ComicBookSyndicate.com
00:57:35 10/16/2023
Adam-Antium joins Mike-EL for a look at a classic DC mini-series. Len Wein, Jim Aparo & John Byrne shape the many contradictory aspects of Batman's long history into a (somewhat) coherent origin, and tell a (somewhat) cohesive mystery, in Untold Legend Of The Batman #1-3. Plus, a brief look at flashback origins from Detective Comics #190 (by Bill Finger and Lew Sayre Schwartz) and Detective Comics #560 (by Doug Moench, Gene Colan and Bob Smith). www.ComicBookSyndicate.com
01:24:26 10/2/2023
wsg Paul Carbonaro Reviewing More Fun Comics #67 ("The Origin of Doctor Fate", by Gardner Fox and Howard Sherman), 1st Issue Special #1 ("The Immortal Destiny", by Martin Pasko and Walt Simonson) and Doctor Fate #1 ("Cycles", by J.M. DeMatteis, Keith Giffen and Dave Hunt). www.ComicBookSyndicate.com
00:40:05 9/4/2023
Adam-Antium joins Joshua Murr-VELL and Mike-EL for an Hour-Long discussion about Hour-Man! Possibly the worst DC superhero of the Golden Age was revived, legacy'd, then replaced by a robot, but never quite caught on. Reviewing "Presenting 'Tick-Tock' Tyler, the Hour-Man" (Adventure Comics #48, by Ken Fitch, Bernard Baily), "Solomon Grundy Goes on a Rampage!" (Showcase #55, by Gardner Fox, Murphy Anderson), (JLA #12 Grant Morrison, Howard Porter, John Dell). www.ComicBookSyndicate.com
01:18:08 8/14/2023
Reviewing Superman #61 ("The Kid From Krypton", by Bill Finger and Al Plastino), Superboy #8 ("When Superboy Was A Superbaby!" by Bill Finger and Curt Swan) and Action Comics #158 ("The Kid From Krypton!", writer unknown, art by Wayne Boring and Stan Kaye). www.ComicBookSyndicate.com
00:50:13 7/31/2023
Paul Carbonaro joins Josh and Mike for a look at another iconic DC superhero. Reviewing "The Spectre!" and "The Spectre Strikes! (More Fun Comics #52 and #53, by Jerry Siegel and Bernard Baily), "The Wrath of the Spectre" (Adventure Comics #431, by Michael Fleisher, Russell Carley, Jim Aparo), and "Vessels) (The Spectre #1, by Doug Moench, Gene Colan, Steve Mitchell). www.ComicBookSyndicate.com
00:57:26 7/10/2023

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