Episode 109: Actions Speak Louder Than Wits

Wally's old white man voice, companies with unfair business practices, the UHC shooter and creative social media responses, wokeness and national tumult throughout the generations, old men and their peeing problems, celebrity Facebook encounters, and new takes on old radio stories.

01:01:06 12/15/2024

Past Episodes

In this week's war plans group chat, Chris and his fiancée adjust to the new house, the NAB show, a radio company makes an advertising offer we absolutely can refuse, radio history and ratings, Wally's daughter makes an important self discovery, the ways in which women have evolved and men have not, the Signal chat heard round the world, accents and pronunciations, Making Radio Fun Again ? , Taylor Dane and other '80s music,
00:59:38 3/30/2025
Wally's medical knowledge about food (Jess's eyes are going to get stuck rolled back in her head), iHeartRadio does it again, the state of Tennessee tries to screw Jess -- and not in a good way, the dudes start talking about poop as soon as the woman leaves the room, a man got shot by his dog, Wally doesn't understand the joke, how emergency alerts are sent now, Google Fiber ignores "no soliciting" signs, Texans and other southerners, and political blah blah blah.
00:56:12 3/23/2025
Chris pops in mid-Chiropracting, Wally has no idea where Dutch people come from, bringing up uncomfortable subjects, RIP retirement funds, WTF even is cryptocurrency, New York is so much more than NYC, hoarders among us, things we've stolen from previous jobs, when radio used to be fun, and transgender mice (and humans!). Hey... would you please rate and review us on Apple Podcasts, Scott Schlein?!
01:04:17 3/16/2025
Our cures for sore throats and dry mouth (we are not medical professionals, don't do what we do), bad breath in radio studios, vegan maple syrup, stupid bank and credit union policies, a listener note for Wally, hotels without a concierge, radio payola revisited, Chris finally buys a new house, fun radio interviews, when couples argue, and Jess's mother strikes again.
01:00:24 3/9/2025
Wally has technical difficulties (you're shocked, no?), Chris braves air travel, guess who fell for a scammer, the return of Fyre Festival, Maine's governor is a gangster, town halls and being dragged out of them, Wally's sister and Jess's mother are so much alike, insurance companies are still the worst, childhood chicken pox, skin cancer, Vince Gill, and country guitar virtuosos.
00:57:59 3/2/2025
Chris got the 'vid again, the CDC can't tell us stuff anymore, drinking something... unexpected and sometimes unfortunate, Wally's daughter living off the grid, humans using products meant for animals, personality tests, SNL 50, old music collections, Amazon reviews, creepy man comments online, Wally nitpicks about "my," and getting rid of the penny.
01:01:07 2/23/2025
Chris got the 'vid, Jess is a guest on a fun show, is there another Wally? Trolling Google and Apple for the Gulf of America and other Trumpfoolery, the wokeness of Little House on the Prairie (then AND now), TV we love, people who don't wash their hands, an online furniture shopping mishap, Jess's contractor updates, complaints, and gambling wins.
01:09:10 2/16/2025
Our thoughts on the "new" FCC payola investigation and Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn, tariffs and the children Elon Musk gave our social security numbers to, Chris's plans to see a famous lib get canceled, Wally's fears for white men (insert Jess's eye roll here), country artists know who has supported them in the past, the reasons the house Chris made an offer on failed inspection, contractor BS, and people with the last name Hitler in the US,
01:02:00 2/9/2025
The technical difficulties are not Wally's for once, ideas for changing the show since the new gender rules, radio station sales and CEO effectiveness, the RFK hearings, Wally figures out Zoom, Jess gets something new, ICE and anti-immigrant BS, tariffs and how they'll affect US customers, why we're hoping your President doesn't know New Mexico is a state, Wally's free coffee, Chris goes to the Price Is Right, legit calls that seem like scams, automated phone menu BS, and renewing a drivers license.
01:07:56 2/2/2025
White men are "back," Jess gets a threatening email, changes in radio broadcasting in the public interest, screwing over the billionaires, Wally learns how to use Zoom... starting with the spelling, the internet stranger who tried to hurt Jess's feelings (bless his heart), the terrible thing about working in news, the truth about the Doppler, and it's 10pm -- do you know where your children are?
00:59:40 1/26/2025

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